Marti Handorf Jung ’62 Memorial Scholarship

My mom loved her days at MND! I remember her singing the alma mater with me, my sister, & sister-in-law. Eventually, she sang it to my niece and my daughter. She loved MND so much that she told us to give all her clothes and belongings to the SNDs after she passed. The moment that solidified the need to start a scholarship in her name was quite somber. I vividly remember my mom answering the phone and talking – almost whispering – as she slowly slid down the kitchen wall with tears sliding down her face. Once she hung up and could talk, she shared that an anonymous benefactor had paid off my youngest brother’s tuition at Moeller. My mom single-handedly raised four kids and sent us all through Catholic schools (SPPS, OLSH, MND & Moeller). She was not sure if Tim, the youngest, was going to be able to finish out the year. With the continued gifts from the benefactor, he graduated from Moeller. Seeing the relief on my mom’s face made a mark on me. Her friends and I thought an appropriate way to honor her would be a scholarship in her name so she could pay it forward and make a difference in another single-parent household. This scholarship is awarded to a student in a single-parent household.  – Submitted by Jennifer Jung Gallo ’85