Obtaining High School Credit at MND for Courses Completed in Junior High School
Students entering Mount Notre Dame can demonstrate completed high school course work in two ways to have it added to their MND Transcript. This process is called Demonstrating Curriculum Mastery.
Curriculum Mastery Process for Entering Students
Families will read the Curriculum Mastery Methods (found below) to determine which method(s) are appropriate.
• If Method 1 is chosen, please complete a High School Credit Verification Form on Scheduling and Orientation Evening.
♦ NOTE: ALL STUDENTS requesting level 2 or higher in French, Latin, or Spanish must take the Curriculum Mastery Assessment (Method 2), even if credit has been earned from the junior high school.
♦ The process is now complete.
• If Method 2 is chosen, please complete the following steps.
♦ Families will indicate the need for a Curriculum Mastery Assessment when they complete their online forms (Final Forms) in mid-February.
» Students may not test out of Digital Literacy & Learning, Physical Education or Religion courses.
» ALL STUDENTS requesting level 2 or higher in French, Latin, or Spanish must take the Curriculum Mastery Assessment, even if credit has been earned from the junior high school.
♦ Families will select their assessment date from the available options.
♦ If the assessment is a written assessment, a list of topics to be assessed as well as information about the format of the assessment will be provided.
♦ Curriculum Mastery Assessment results will be provided via email from the Assistant Principal for Academic Development.
METHOD 1: Curriculum Mastery by Transfer Credit (typically entering from public school)
Incoming students may transfer high school issued credits to their MND Transcript. Families/schools must provide a transcript that clearly indicates that the course was for high school credit or provide documentation of this from the junior high school.
Please note that transfer courses taken before attending MND will be listed on the MND Transcript with the earned final grades and the earned credit. These grades will not count towards MND GPA.
METHOD 2: Curriculum Mastery by Assessment (typically if entering from Catholic/Private school)
Curriculum Mastery by Assessment may indicate that the student has obtained the high school content knowledge for a course resulting in credit being issued by MND. Students may have taken the course in junior high school or through a non-traditional manner. For example, a native Spanish speaker may attempt to prove curriculum mastery in several Spanish courses. In most cases, MND will have the student take a written assessment, however, some courses will allow for a portfolio or other style assessment (see below). New families will sign up for Curriculum Mastery assessments using FinalForms.
Questions regarding Curriculum Mastery can be directed to the Assistant Principal of Academic Development, Mr. Ben Hunt at bhunt@mndhs.org.