Thanks to the over 100 MND students who participated in our Second Annual Crosstown Packout with A Child’s Hope International this past weekend! The girls did an amazing job of packing much needed food for the Ukrainian refugees – over 190,000 meals. This is an incredible number of meals, almost 30% more than we were expecting them to pack! Participants also learned something about world hunger and the challenges so many people face getting clean water, and different ways they can be a part of the solution. We are so blessed in this country to have access to plenty of food and clean water!
Thanks to the MND student leaders of our Hands Against Hunger Program who took the lead in making this event great – Rachel Noschang ’22, Kara Heilers ’23, Ella Schlick ’24, Kathleen Jennings ’25, Laura Fagan ’25, Sarah Campbell ’25 and Shannon Hennessy ’25. Thanks, too, to Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Felczan, Mr. and Mrs. Lehrter, Caroline DeGroft ’17, and the parent volunteers who helped out.
Photos and Videos / News
CLICK HERE for the photos and videos from the event. There was plenty of news coverage before and after the event. Visit www.wlwt.com, www.local12.com and www.fox19.com and search for “Packout”. (Vlad, the Ukrainian exchange student, was the most popular guy of the night. 😊)
What is The Crosstown Packout?
The Crosstown Packout is an annual competitive and thrilling event for high schools in Greater Cincinnati to actively learn about world hunger and the water crisis through a hands-on 300,000 meal pack-a-thon!
When is it?
Saturday, April 9, 2022 | 3 – 10 PM
Where is it being held?
A Child’s Hope Int’l
2430 E. Kemper Road | Cincinnati, OH 45241
Why are we doing this?
The children need our help. Participants will learn about the realities of the hunger and the world water crisis that exist in our modern world and how each of us have an opportunity to become a solution provider. Student teams will compete against each other to reach the collective goal of packing 300,000 meals for children in need! The competition will be fierce (and fun)!
Who is invited to participate?
Students from every high school in the Cincinnati region are invited to participate! Want to form a team? Have multiple students participate from your school and we will put them together on a team. (Teams will be officially formed once registration closes.) Each team will be made up of 11 students and 1 adult.
Is there a cost for this event?
Each participant is asked to pay a registration fee of $45. This fee will offset a small fraction of the cost of the food you will be packing, provide you with a cool t-shirt, tasty food and drinks, prizes. But most importantly, it provides you with the satisfaction of knowing that you, personally, will be feeding a child three meals a day for an entire year! Note: A Child’s Hope Int’l is a nonprofit organization that relies fully on private donations.
How many students can my school send?
We want to have a variety of schools represented, so schools are permitted to send send anywhere from one to four teams to the event. Each team will consist of 11 students and 1 adult chaperone. If your school is unable to fill an entire team but a few students are still interested in participating, please have students register anyway! Teams will be officially formed once registration closes. Contact Aimee Beatty (albeatty@thechildrenarewaiting.org) if you have any questions about registration.
This sounds great! When can I register?
Registration is open NOW until March 28, 2022! However, spots will fill quickly (we have a limit of 300 students) so we encourage students and their friends to sign up as soon as possible!
Contact Todd Forman (tforman@mndhs.org) or Aimee Beatty (albeatty@thechildrenarewaiting.org)

NOTE: If you registered but were unsuccessful in making your fee payment,
you can CLICK HERE to go directly to ACHI’s payment page. Thanks!
About A Child’s Hope Int’l
A Child’s Hope Int’l was established in Cincinnati nearly 14 years ago with a mission to motivate and mobilize the church and the community to care for orphans and vulnerable children in their distress. As advocates for orphans and vulnerable children, we reach thousands of children daily with critically needed supplies that nourish the body and the soul.
As one of Cincinnati’s most interactive charities, over 150K volunteers have served at our Hope Factory™ with our Hands Against Hunger™ program. Our volunteers make it possible for us to provide food, water, and hope supplies to 17,500 children around the world every day!