All Service Hours must be completed and recorded by Saturday, April 30, 2022.
Once your hours are finished and recorded, you must complete THIS FINAL REFLECTION by Friday, May 6, 2022.
Your hours and this reflection will count towards your Religion class grade.
“Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift (s)he has received from God.” 1 Peter 4:10
A key component of a Mount Notre Dame education is actively participating in Community Service. It is through service to others that you not only “find yourself”, but service is how you can be Love in Action. Each of you have different gifts you can offer, and your sophomore year of high school is a great time to discover those gifts and to share them with others!
To help you get started in serving others in our community, we have an assignment for you. You need to actively participate in community service during your sophomore year at MND by completing at least 5 hours of service. This activity could be participating in any one of our many programs – Year-Long service programs, Big Events, Service Trips, and other opportunities we offer. Information on all of our programs can be found at www.mndhs.org/service.
If you are unable to participate in any of our many offerings, you can perform 5 hours of service work in the community during the course of the year.
Note: Your service must have occurred after August 23, 2021. Thanks!
Service Recording and Verification
Each time you complete a service activity, please complete THIS ONLINE FORM which will tell us what you did, when and where you did it, and which MND student leader (or non-profit representative for non-MND led-activities) will be able to confirm your participation. Complete this form each time you participate in a service activity.
Second Semester Final Reflection Activity
Once you have completed your service, you will need to complete a short form information/reflection form during the Second Semester. Click the link to the right for the form. Your religion teachers will be assigning a grade based upon your service and reflection.
Recognition of Achievement
We know that most of you will do above and beyond your minimum requirement of 5 hours. To celebrate your commitment to service, we will be offering Special SOS Recognition for student who achieve the following increments of hours:
» Basic Level – 5 hours
» Bronze Level – 10 hours
» Silver Level – 20 hours
» Gold Level – 35 hours
» Diamond Level – 50 hours
» Platinum Level – 75 hours
» Double Diamond Level – 100 hours
» Double Platinum Level – 150 hours
Thanks for being a Sophomore of Service this year and getting involved in your community! You have the opportunity to touch so many lives through serving others, and you will have your life touched as well!