Summer Math Classes

A Hybrid Class Including Online & Traditional Classroom Learning Experiences

Courses Available

• Algebra 2 (Honors or CPX)

Original Credit Algebra 2 CPX/Honors

• Successful completion of this course will allow students to take Precalculus during the next school year.
• Prerequisite – Student must meet the prerequisites (for the desired level) listed in the current MND Course Catalog.

Class Dates

June 11 – July 23, 2025

Required in-person classroom sessions on Mondays (8 am to noon) of each week and Wednesdays (8 am to noon) of each week. One day each week will be a testing day. Students will need to be in-person for weekly testing (maximum of two hours) and the course teacher will be available for in-person office hours.  The course teacher will be available for online office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week.  Students can also schedule online meetings with the course teacher during mutually convenient times. All work, including tests and exams, must be completed by noon on July 23, 2025.  

Course Structure

Students should expect to spend approximately 15 – 20 hours per week on course work in addition to the required 4 hours per week of in-person instruction and 1 – 2 hours per week of in-person testing. Outside of these in-person class times, students will be viewing online lessons, completing online assignments, and working on problem sets for practice. Students will be able to get help during scheduled online office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as by appointment, or in-person before or after testing.

General Information

  • All Algebra 2 students (Honors and CPX) will be in the same classroom.  Students electing to take the course for Honors credit may have additional assignments to complete, alternative tests and assessments, or a different grading scale.
  • Due to the condensed nature of this course, students may not miss more than one (1) class. Students missing more than one (1) class will not earn the credit and will be required to take the course during the next school year or to make up the missed time with a certified tutor (approved by the Principal/Assistant Principal) at the student’s expense.
  • Registrations will be limited to 25 students to protect the integrity of the course. A minimum of 6 students is required.
  • Intervention services are not available for summer courses.
  • Students enrolled in the course will receive course details and information by May 15, 2025.
  • Please contact Ms. Paula Schute ( if you have questions.


• $850 for currently enrolled MND students
• $1,100 for female students enrolled in other schools


• Tuition for current Mount Notre Dame students will be charged to their FACTS account.

• Tuition for non-MND students should be paid via check to Mount Notre Dame High School.

• If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Principal for Academic Development, Mr. Ben Hunt, at

Register for Summer Math Below: